AP (Advanced Placement)
Advanced Placement (AP) enables students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. AP Courses are college courses taught by SAVHS teachers on the high school campus.
Main contact:
Principal Norman Bell
Principal Norman Bell
AP exam, process guidelines
While each test has different timing guidelines, an AP exam typically runs about three hours.
It is important for students and parents to understand that morning exams will begin prior to the start of school (7:30 a.m.) and afternoon AP exams will not be completed by the end of the school day.
CollegeBoard requires all students to stay in the testing room until testing is completed. Students will not be allowed to leave for after school activities, jobs, etc., until the timed session has come to an end.
Students will be responsible for finding alternative transportation to morning exams and home at the end of the exam for afternoon exams.
CollegeBoard rules also require students to power off all electronics and place them with the proctor during the exam. Students will not have access to cell phones during the testing session. They are also not allowed to use any form of communication device while on the CollegeBoard scheduled break.
Students who break any of the CollegeBoard rules will be removed from the testing room and their scores will be cancelled.
AP exam registration
AP Exam registration will take place in the fall as a result of changes being implemented by the College Board.
Cost of exams: $54/exam. Students who qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Priced program (FRP) lunch can take the exams without charge.
The college board will be implementing a late fee of $40.00 for exams ordered after the cut off date.
Additionally, the College Board will be implementing a $40.00 return fee for unused exams.
Testing accomodations
Students with a medical condition, an IEP or a 504 plan may be eligible for testing accommodations such as extra breaks, extended time, etc. The SAVHS principal or AP testing coordinator can help make such accommodations. Learn more about accommodations for college board exams.
Students already approved for AP testing accommodations do not need to re-apply. The deadline for first-time applications is February 23. It takes at least seven weeks for non-emergency applications to receive approval.
When registering for AP exams through our Total Registration site, select "Yes" in answer to the "are you eligible for testing accommodations" button near the beginning of the registration process.
Courses offered
CIS (College in the Schools)
College in the Schools courses are University of Minnesota- Twin Cities classes taught by accredited teachers at St. Anthony village High School. Students can earn college credit without leaving the St. Anthony Village (SAVHS) Campus. Current CIS Classes offered are:
- Human Physiology
- Physics by Inquiry
- Spanish IV and Spanish V
- Writing Studio
Main contacts:
Heather Berndt
Kate Edwards
PSEO (Postsecondary Enrollment Options)
- Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) information
- St. Anthony Village High School (SAVHS) PSEO information
Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) information
From the MDE:
Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) is a program that allows 10th-, 11th- and 12th-grade students to earn both high school and college credit while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college nonsectarian courses at eligible participating postsecondary institutions. Most PSEO courses are offered on the campus of the postsecondary institution; some courses are offered online. Each participating college or university sets its own admissions requirements for enrollment into the PSEO courses. Eleventh and 12th-grade students may take PSEO courses on a full- or part-time basis; 10th graders are eligible to enroll in PSEO on a more limited basis. Students must meet the PSEO residency and eligibility requirements and abide by participation limits specified in Minnesota Statutes, section 124D.09. If a school district determines a pupil is not on track to graduate, she/he may continue to participate in PSEO on a term by term basis.
To assist the district in planning, a student must inform the district by May 30 of each year of their intent to enroll in postsecondary courses during the following school year.
There is no charge to PSEO students for tuition, books or fees for items that are required to participate in a course; however, students may incur fees for equipment that becomes their property when the course or program is completed, textbooks that are not returned to the postsecondary institution according to their policies, or for tuition costs if they do not notify the district by May 30 and the district does not waive this date requirement.
Funds are available to help pay transportation expenses for qualifying students to participate in PSEO courses on college campuses. For more information on these funds, access the PSEO Mileage Reimbursement Program Instructions.
Enrolling in a PSEO course does not prohibit a student from participating in activities sponsored by the high school.
All courses taken through the PSEO program must meet graduation requirements. Districts must transcript credits earned in PSEO by a ratio prescribed in statute. Districts have the authority to decide which subject area and standards the PSEO course meets. If there is a dispute between the district and the student regarding the number of credits granted for a particular course, the student may appeal the board's decision to the commissioner. The commissioner's decision regarding the number of credits will be final.
Postsecondary institutions are required to allow PSEO students to enroll in online courses consistent with the institution’s policy regarding postsecondary student enrollment in online courses.
10th-grade students may initially enroll in one Career and Technical Education (CTE) PSEO course if they receive a reading proficiency score of “meets” or “exceeds” on the 8th grade MCA. If 10th graders taking a CTE PSEO course earn at least a grade C in that class, they may take additional postsecondary courses. If the student did not take the MCA in 8th-grade, another reading assessment accepted by the enrolling postsecondary institution can be substituted. For students with disabilities, there is an alternative option to demonstrate reading proficiency.
For current information about the PSEO program, visit the Minnesota Department of Education’s Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) webpage.
St. Anthony Village High School (SAVHS) PSEO information
High School Counselor, Kate Edwards, coordinates PSEO for SAVHS students. Sophomore students are only allowed to take one PSEO class in the career and tech area and if they earn a C or better, the student may take another course the following semester. Juniors and seniors can take full or part time PSEO courses.
Each year, Ms. Edwards holds a PSEO Informational Meeting in January. After that meeting, students who are interested in PSEO for the following school year must meet with Ms. Edwards by the second week in April, to discuss eligibility and high school requirements still needed. Students must apply and get all paperwork completed by May 30. If you are applying for spring semester you should meet with Ms. Edwards by October 30, discuss plans and scheduling. Not all schools will allow students to start in spring semester and deadline dates will differ. Check with individual schools for dates and policies. If you decide to register for just spring semester of PSEO, your first semester at SAVHS will overlap with the beginning of spring semester for PSEO. You must finish out your first semester at SAVHS and not choose PSEO classes that will conflict with your high school classes.
The most important thing to keep in mind when taking PSEO classes is that you will be starting your college transcript. Every grade you receive in these classes will follow you into college.
- Each PSEO institution will determine their own eligibility requirements.
- Depending on the school, students must have a GPA of 2.5 but some schools may expect a 3.6 or higher.
- Sometimes you must have a ranking in the upper 1/3 or your class as a junior or 1/2 as a senior.
- There may be a placement exam, called the Accuplacer that you have to take and earn certain scores on in order to take classes. The ACT may replace the Accuplacer in some cases.
- SAVHS students attend a variety of PSEO institutions. Some common ones are University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis Community and Technical College, Anoka-Ramsey Technical College, University of Northwestern St. Paul.
- High School and College calendars are usually different. You will begin college semesters at different times and will have school breaks on different days. It’s important to keep up with both calendars so you know what is going on with both schools, especially if you are a part-time PSEO student.
- It’s important to stay connected with your friends and your high school so you still feel like you are a part of your class.
- Continue to participate in athletics, activities, clubs, student council, NHS, etc.
- Go to school dances.
- Attend school functions like athletic competitions, plays, homecoming events, concerts, etc.
- For part-time students:
- High school classes take priority. Plan your PSEO classes around your high school classes. There is much more flexibility with PSEO classes than your high school classes. PSEO classes can be taken during the day on campus, at night or online.
- You are expected to be at all of your high school classes. Missing high school classes for PSEO is not considered excused. Teachers are not expected to allow you to make up work if you do miss their class for PSEO.
- Students must make sure that the classes they are taking meet their high school requirements.
- Credits are calculated on a 2:1 ratio. A four credit PSEO class is equal to two credits in high school.
- PSEO grades are not weighted.
- Full-time PSEO students should register for 10-12 credits each semester and part-time students should work with Kate Edwards, School Counselor, to determine how many PSEO credits they should register for based on the number of credits they are taking at SAVHS.
For more information, visit the MDE website.